Publications and presentations

MC Foshay, JE Erman, LB Vitello, The role of tryptophan in the distal pocket of cytochrome c peroxidase (in preparation)

MC Foshay, LB Vitello, JE Erman, pH Dependence of heme iron coordination, hydrogen peroxide reactivity, and cyanide binding in cytochrome  c peroxidase (H52K) (2004). Biochemistry 43(17), 5065-72.

JD Satterlee, MI Savenkova, M Foshay, JE Erman, Temperature, pH, and solvent isotope dependent properties of the active sites of resting state and cyanide-ligated recombinant cytochrome c peroxidase (H52L) (2003). Biochemistry 42(36), 10772-82.

A Bidwai, M Witt, M Foshay, LB Vitello, JD Satterlee, JE Erman, Cyanide binding to cytochrome c peroxidase (H52L) (2003). Biochemistry 42(36), 10764-71.

AH Palamakumbura, MC Foshay, LB Vitello, JE Erman (1999). Oxidation of Cytochrome  c peroxidase to Compound I by peroxyacids: Evidence for rate-limiting diffusion through the protein matrix. Biochemistry 38, 15647-15652.

MC Foshay, SE Zimmerman, LK Spencer, F Haurowitz, KL Knight (1976). Preferential _expression of anti-azobenzenearsenate antibodies of heterozygous a1a3 rabbits in the a1 allotype. J Immunology,  116 (4), 1010-1015.
Elucidating the catalytic mechanism of cytochrome c peroxidase,” 33rd Great Lakes Regional Meeting, American Chemical Society, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, June 2000. (Oral presentation)

Oxidation of cytochrome c peroxidase by peracetic acid,” XVII Midwest Enzyme Chemistry Conference, Loyola University, Chicago, IL, October 1997. (Poster presentation)

Effect of His-52 on the formation of cytochrome c peroxidase Compound I,” 31st Great Lakes Regional Meeting, American Chemical Society, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, June 1998. (Poster presentation)

Miriam C. Foshay, PhD